Thursday 11 December 2014


To start with I really struggled coming up with an idea for this project because I wanted something new, original and something different from the mass thats already out there. I knew I wanted to work with landscapes but wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them to make them different from every other landscape shot. I knew the aesthetic I wanted to do, black and white fine art working with long exposures, but because this was how I normally worked I needed to make it different some how. My first thoughts were of making it into a surreal landscape project, but again I still wasn't sure how I wanted to do this. I researched all sorts of surreal artists and got no real inspiration from it. I finally decided on putting objects in environments that they don't belong when looking at artists like George Christakis, and using techniques like forced perspective and image composites to make it happen. As this is a common technique and subject matter I needed to think of other ways to make the images different from everything else out there. This was when I came up with the idea of making the images 3D with either anaglyphs or stereograms. Both old but seemingly forgotten techniques. With all three of these techniques, fine art style, surreal subject and 3D presenting method I should be able to come up with something new and original, something that will stand out against the others, depending on the execution.
Overall I'm not entirely happy with the way the planning has gone for this project. I was completely at a loss of what to do and no motivation at the start so didn't know where to begin. Things finally picked up but then I had problems finding particularly relevant artists that worked in similar ways and shot similar things. I think its because the idea of the project is based on so many different things, the landscape, surrealism and 3D. The landscape and surrealism has plenty to research into individually but when combining them it becomes a struggle. 3D alone was difficult to find research for, its an old technique but finding practising current artists was near impossible.
For the test shoot I really needed to plan it better, I had no idea where to go and ending going to Epping forest quite spontaneously. However this did work out as ended up finding a location for further shoots. It did mean I wasn't able to implement the surreal idea however. But because it meant I could see if the 3D effect would work and meant I could see how easy it was to use it was successful because I knew I would be able to use it for the rest of the project.

Overall I think the project could end up being a little bit too complicated. Too many elements in it could make or break it. Depending on how things go I might have to drop the surreal element out to make the whole project more feasible. Apart from that I'm happy with the idea of the project, although time management could have been done better. 

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